i m p a c t  0 6

"Dreaming I could feel your skin/ But the dream escaped so easily/ And I wokе up to the road again."

- Introduction -

Futuristic post apocalyptic world, where aliens had crashlanded and radiation caused mutations in people and animals which led to a zombie-like virus to be spread. Civilization quickly collapsed and many people were forced to figure out their lives on their own.
Six ships crashed, with about a 1 year gap between each ship. No aliens survived any of the crashes but radiation spread quickly. The virus causes people to become extremely violent and hungry, and causes skin to turn purple and bubble. Infected forget most of their life before infection. Later stage infection causes loss of senses.

- Characters -


- Locations -

Indigo Plains Runaway pest control members found a large plain which they cleared of any zombies and built up a small community to harbor runaway people. Life can be difficult there but they are a tightly woven community. People in the Indigo Plains establish their own hierarchy and rules, one of which is that if you find someone who is infected, you have to either kill them yourself or put up a bounty for someone else to kill them. There’s a “Bounty Office” you can go to submit these.

Upper Amicus Radioactivity from the crashes makes the animals all crazy and spreads a new sickness that infects people via bites and scratches, it also destroys a lot of cities and entire chunks of countries. The government gets selfish and panics and picks the least radioactive area to rebuild their home city, takes up a giant chunk of land, and builds a giant wall around it, they call this area “Upper Amicus”. Mostly rich people live here.

Unit Groups The government realizes they should probably also protect their people and so they start making “Unit Groups” (UGs) that are very densely populated and cramped, like huge city-sized apartment complexes with shops scattered around in them. The UGs suck, but they're safe and clean (as clean as you can get a giant apartment complex like that) from mutants and radioactivity, thanks to Pest Control people.

Abandoned Cities Abandoned cities are areas that were made before the crashes hit and were never recovered. These places are usually teeming with zombies, and are the areas that PC groups focus on. The government promises to revive these areas after they're cleared out, but progress is very slow.