s a o i r s e

"I wanna be just like a melody/ Just like a simple sound/ Like in harmony."

- Introduction -

Saoirse is a very blunt and honest person, she belives that people should always be honest because if you lie people are going to find out anyways, and that just causes problems later. She is very honest about her feelings and sometimes dosen't realize that she's hurting people. She is learning to get better at that.
She enjoys being helpful and getting things done quickly, if she sees that someone needs help with something, she will help them (if she is able to). This can cause problems becuase sometimes she overworks herself just to get things done.
Saoirse was born after the virus happened and has known nothing but this world, but has heard stories of the "before times" from her parents. She is headed to the Indigo Plains and meets new people during her journey, but loses people as well.

- Profile -

info: likes: dislikes:
age: 21 running children
gender: F (she/her) guitar loud people
height: 5"10 tea frogs
race: Irish/JPN most animals fish
orientation: pan

- Design Notes -

Wideset eyes + big eyebrows.
Bangs are short, microbangs basically. She has a messy haircut, a lot of strands come out of her braids, especially at the top.
Scar on left cheek.
Freckles on her face are also down to her shoulders and back.
Can wear any clothes but she tends not to wear anything that would "inconvenience" her or get in the way. She dosen't care much about what she looks like.

- Gallery -
- Extensive Writing -
Song Analysis: Brutus - The Buttress

"I've been watching him for my entire life I hate the air he breathes, his foolish decrees, his words so contrived" Saoirse was born and raised by one of the lead politicians in Upper Amicus and hated her life, her mother was very rich and the only reason that Saoirse was born was because her father was paid to be with her mother and her mother didn't know she was pregnant till Saoirse was born. Her mother didn't want anything to do with her and kinda just used Saoirse as a decoration and then disowned her when she was 13 and sent her to work for the city as basically military. Her mom acted like she loved Saoirse in front of the public to maintain her image but in reality she didn't care
"And I hate the way the townspeople gather outside, they hang on every breath, cling to his chest, home to his heart full of pride" Related to how her mom just pretended to love her, and also how her mom and the other politicians would always make promises to the public to better the country after the apocalypse but nothing ever really happened and the only people who benefited from anything were the rich people.
"The oracle told him to beware the Ides, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't wishing for untimely death or demise" "The oracle told him to beware the Ides" is about when Caesar was warned about his assassination but ignored it, similar to how Saoirse was warned about her 13th birthday and how she would be cast aside and abandoned by her mother, and Saoirse wished something would happen to her mother before her 13th so that she might take her mothers place.
"Or am I just wishing I could be like you? That the people would see me too as a poet, and not just the muse" Basically the same thing as the last line and about how Saoise was used as a "decoration" by her mother and how she wishes she could take her place because she wants to actually make the world a better place instead of lie to people.
"Oh, it's not true, I don't wish harm upon you. From birth we've been like brothers of different mothers within the spirit of the same womb, may the gods strike me down if I forsake you, frater meus, you're beautifully made and to you I'm forever grateful" She always wished that she could have a normal life and sometimes regrets the thoughts that she has about her mother because of her mothers fake loving Saoirse, and she is grateful for the life she has living along with rich people and how she is cared for despite nobody really loving her like a daughter, she's just happy that she's better off than a lot of other people in the world. And this part also, "Frater meus, you're beautifully made And to you I'm forever grateful" Saoirse's mom is very pretty and always made Saoirse feel insecure about herself and basically made her be "thankful to her mother" for like. Making Saoirse beautiful with her genes? also because Saoirse looks a lot like her dad and not so much like her mom.
"I'll never forget that you showed me to make art, and I know the love you showed me came from a pure and noble heart" She remembers when she was a very small child her mom would care for her like a mother and she still learned some things from her, but as she got older her mother started caring less and less, basically as she started to get "less cute" and her mom wasn't able to leech off of her as much because she was older now.
"I love you, and if you want, I'll call you King. But why do I lie awake each night thinking ‘Instead of you, it should be me’?" Because of this, she still has some respect for her mother, but she also still sees everything that her mother does wrong and she knows that she could do it better even though she knows she probably wouldn't be able to handle the responsibility.
"Something wicked this way comes And as I set to face it, I'm unsure. Should I embrace it, should I run?" Her 13th birthday is coming and she starts planning how she is going to live her life away from her mother and thinking about how she's going to handle being abandoned by her family for the military and the outside world.
"What motivates me? Hatred? Is it love? What's more wrong; that I too wish to be great? Or my mother wished she'd had a son?" She's still conflicted about her feelings for her mother and about if she really wants to leave this life behind and if she's ever going to come back to reclaim her place or if she's just going to forget about it all and live her life normally. She also knows that if she had been a boy she might have gotten more outside world experience and been more prepared for the military because of the world she lives in.
"And even if I can't be the one. Maybe I could at least help make way for him until the day that he comes. Maybe my name could also be known, that I helped return good to the people and restored greatness to Rome" After her 13th and she's been in the military for a few years and away from her mother, she starts to consider coming back after she's done with military training and overthrowing the current government system and realizes how her mother treated her so shit and never really cared for her, and how even after years the lies from the government are still happening and nothing is changing. This is when she plans to kill her mother and the other people working with her mother.
"Brutus, Brutus, Brutus, Brutus!" (etc...) She finishes training and then escapes from the city with her friend Mimi to go to Indigo Plains, but then Mimi dies due to poor control over run down cities and zombies. After Mimi dies she continues her journey and makes it to Indigo Plains where she starts to make friends to help her with her plan to overthrow the government. Mimi's death also solidifies Saoirse's anger towards her mother and gets rid of any guilt that she had towards doing it and makes her more confident to rally people together, because her love for Mimi overpowers any love she had for her mother.
"My name is Brutus and my name means heavy, so with a heavy heart I'll guide this dagger into the heart of my enemy" The name Saoirse means freedom, she is supposed to be helping everybody be free from both the government and also from all of the changes and struggles that the apocalypse has had on people and how the government isn't doing anything to help, she's going to kill the people in charge and replace them to fix everything.
"My whole life, you were a teacher and friend to me, please know my actions are not motivated only by envy I, too, have a destiny, this death will be art" When she confronts her mother her mom thinks she's just doing this because Saoirse misses her old life as a rich person and she's jealous of her mom's position and power, but in reality Saoirse just wants to help people and change the world.
"The people will speak of this day from near and afar This event will be history, and I'll be great too I don't want what you have, I want to be you" Also pretty much the same thing as before, she wants to change the world but she needs power to do that etc etc y'know by now.
"I always knew I could be the one, though I feel the endless pain of being and I am scorched by the Sun" She always knew that she wanted to help people even before she was disowned by her family, and she has been through a lot of shit to get to the point where she can accomplish that dream. She is very hurt by her mother and other people that were around her but she still just wants to help people and she doesn't want all the power to herself because she is afraid of the responsibility. (Also I think the scorched by the sun part can apply to the scar on her cheek because it's from when she was in the military and they put a tracker in the workers faces and when she escaped with Mimi she had to cut it out of her face so in a way that's a more literal/physical "I was hurt by the government and life sucks'' thing)
"Of humble origins and born of the cursed sex, my name is Brutus, but the people will call me Rex'' She was born in an unconventional way and her life growing up was really weird, she didn't have hardly any exposure to the outside world because she was a girl and was kept inside as a prop, and then was just suddenly thrown into it later in life. She wants to take back her life and take her mothers place.